Monday, 7 May 2007

What is a blog?

Blog stands for 'weblog'. It started out as a joke. 'weblog' ---> 'we blog' ---> blog!

A blog is an online journal or diary. Authors write 'posts'. A post is a story, or 'journal entry' on a particular topic. The most recent posts are seen first.

People can comment. These comments can be moderated, unmoderated or selected.

Why blog?

'Blogging economists draw cyber-crowds'
As part of this NZ Herald story on blogging, Dani Rodrik, an economist at Harvard University explains the value of a blog to academics.

Interacting with a diverse group of blog readers helps him hone his communication skills, teaching him to write clearly for a mass audience without dumbing-down his ideas.

"We have to express ourselves in ways that are going to make us understood by this broader group without taking shortcuts," he said. "If we take shortcuts, then we know that our economics colleagues are going to criticise us.

A blog, for Te Ara would also give us a great chance to:

- Explain Te Ara in an, easy conversational way.
- Give a 'human face' to Te Ara.
- Link entries with stories in the news, thereby staying current.

NZ blog 1 - Huia

The Huia website has a selection of blogs on the front page.
Keri Hulme has some blogs here.

She has a very readable and lively style. Great quote

I’ll cheerfully admit to not liking crowds (this came up when I was a very small child) and that really off-putting notices - I hope! - on my back fence & gate work. They say:Unknown cats and dogswill be shot on sight.

There are a number of blogs hosted on the site and written by different authors.

There is also an About Huia Blogs page.It sets out how the blogs are edited and how comments are moderated.

NZ blog 2 - Public Address

Dip your feet in Public Address.

This is a popular site hosting New Zealand bloggers.

One of the bloggers, David Slack, comments on feeding P to pitbulls.

Some of my fellow New Zealanders are feeding P to their pitbulls to make them more aggressive. This is thrilling news for armchair spectators of suburban mayhem, although I couldn't blame Damian for keeping his cat indoors until the matter is resolved.
But once more it turns out that there is nothing new under the sun. I turn to the Internet and discover that from 1942, Adolf Hitler received
daily injections of methamphetamine from his personal physician, Dr Theodor Morell. Talk about putting out fire with gasoline.

Cool blog 1 - Dilbert

The Dilbert blog is written by Scott Adams, author of Dilbert.

It's Quirky and funny.

One of the great things about being ignorant is that I often think my ideas are original. It’s a wonderful feeling. That’s why I try to avoid any knowledge that would spoil the sensation. Sometimes it isn’t easy. People keep hurling knowledge at me, and I can’t always duck.

Cool blog 2 - boingboing

Boingboing, a directory of wonderful things, was no.1 blog in the world for a while. It's pretty interesting, engaging, weird, quirky and occasionally disturbing.

Cool blog 3 - Seth Godin

Seth Godin has a very popular blog.

Seth's post summing up Web 2.0.

The essence of Web 2.0
Everything you need to know is right here in this little snippet from a lens I found today:

Comments example

NZ Herald uses comments and calls them Your Views

They put in selected views relating to particular stories.

All views must conform to their policy.